
Rhianna Jaigobin

Rhianna Jaigobin

Independent Sales Agent

A Comprehensive Suite of Services To Build The Perfect Fit For Your Needs

TSI customers get our full attention with a robust suite of end-to-end services across the entire credit-to-cash continuum that create the impact you need while enhancing your customer relationships. With almost 50 years of expertise, our data-driven approach to create an accounts receivable management engine drives better performance. In other words, our services get results.

We offer three core services: Accelerator, Profit Recovery, and Contingency Debt Collection. Get to know how each services works below.

Each of our clients manage their services with myTSI, our online portal for 24/7 access. It’s the central client hub where you submit accounts, track results, control your cash flow, and get training for your staff.

TSI Accelerator Services

Accelerator (1st Party)

Start early and recover more. Let TSI send payment reminders to your customers or patients, in your name, with Accelerator.

For a low fixed-fee, this service consists of five automated reminder letters and/or calls in your business’s or practice’s name. You submit the accounts via the myTSI Client Portal and the payments and customer communication are directed back to you.

How It Works

  • This service is best utilized between 31-60 days
  • We make polite payment reminders in your business's name
  • There are five reminders over a 35 day period
  • Based on low fixed fee costs (far less than internal follow-up)
  • All money recovered is paid directly to you
  • TSI does the work of making consistent contacts

Questions? Contact me to learn more about this service:

TSI Profit Recovery Services

Profit Recovery (3rd Party)

Our Profit Recovery service is comprised of exclusive, time-tested debt collection demand letters and/or series of calls that are proven to get you paid.

For a low fixed-fee, we deliver the power of third-party intervention while maintaining diplomatic relationships with your customers or patients. Payments go directly to you, and you keep 100% of the recovered funds. With TSI Profit Recovery, you’ll streamline the collection process, reduce operating costs, increase cash flow, and lower your days in receivables, while allowing staff to concentrate on growing the core business rather than following up on delinquent accounts.

How It Works

  • This service is best utilized in the 61-120 day range
  • Slow-paying accounts are contacted via five written Collection demands over a 2-1/2 month period
  • Intensity increases with each letter from Courtesy Notice to Final Demand
  • Resolution often occurs as soon as a 3rd party is involved
  • Based on low, fixed fees per account (no percentage taken)
  • You maintain complete control of your accounts
  • All money recovered is paid directly to you

Questions? Contact me to learn more about this service:

TSI Debt Collection Services

Contingency Debt Collection (3rd Party)

For past due customers or patients that require a more intensive approach, TSI Contingency Debt Collection drives results.

TSI utilizes our proprietary data analytics platform, CollectX, to enhance recovery rates. Think of us as a full-service collection agency for your small- to medium-sized business. We handle everything from skip-tracing, asset discovery, credit bureau reporting, and legal efforts when necessary.

This service uses a contingency fee structure, which means if we don’t collect, you’re not charged. You get paid a percentage of recovered funds.

How It Works

  • This service is best utilized on 90 day+ accounts, mail skips and accounts requiring more intensive collection efforts
  • Targets accounts that have ignored 3rd party collection demands
  • Intensive and fully compliant phone collections from our professional collectors
  • Services may include: skip-tracing, asset discovery, and legal efforts

Questions? Contact me to learn more about this service:

Quote Symbol

TSI made an immediate, direct impact on our revenue.

-Trevor R., 5 Year Client